Woo Youn Kim (김우연)
2011 - EWon Associate Professor, Chemistry, KAIST
2009 - 2010 Postdoc, Max-Planck-Institute of Microstructure Physics (advisor: E.K.U. Gross)
2004 - 2009 Ph.D. Chemistry, POSTECH (advisor: Kwang S. Kim)
1997 - 2004 B.S. Chemistry (Physics, double major), POSTECH
Jaewook Kim (김재욱)
Research interests: Self-interaction correction, Excited-state calculation, Organic electronic material design.
2019 - Present Postdoc, Departement of Chemistry, Chemistry, KAIST
2018 Visiting student, Departement of Chemistry, Duke University (Advisor: Weitao Yang)
2013 - 2019 Ph.D. in Chemistry, KAIST (Advisor: Woo Youn Kim)
2009 - 2013 B.S. Chemistry (Physics, double major), KAIST

Sungwoo Kang (강성우)
Research Interests: Quantum Embedding Theory
2020 Sept. - present Postdoc, Departement of Chemistry, Chemistry, KAIST
2015 - 2020 Aug. Ph.D. student in Chemistry, KAIST
2010 - 2015 B.S. Chemistry (Physics, double major), KAIST
ksw1015 at

Jin Woo Kim (김진우)
Research Interests: Automated reaction prediction method, machine learning
2015- Ph.D. student in Chemistry, KAIST
2010 - 2014 B.S. in Chemistry (Mathematics, double major), KAIST
starhouse at

Hyeonsu Kim (김현수)
Research Interests: Catalyst design, Development of Computer Software for DFT.
2018- Ph.D. student in Chemistry, KAIST
2013 - 2018 B.S. in Chemistry, KAIST
kim1231232 at

Kyung Hoon Lee (이경훈)
Research Interests : Automated reaction prediction method
2018 Sept. - Ph.D. student in Chemistry, KAIST
2014 - 2018 Sept. B.S. in Mathematics (Chemistry, double major), KAIST
edward.lee at

YongJun Kim (김용준)
Research Interests: Catalyst design, Development of Computer Software for DFT.
2019 - Ph.D. student in Chemistry, KAIST
2014 - 2019 B.S. in Chemistry, KAIST
아이템에 대한 간략한 정보를 추가하세요.

Jeheon Woo (우제헌)
Research interests: Development of acceleration method for DFT simulations
2019 - Ph.D. student in Chemistry, KAIST
2015 - 2019 B.S. Chemistry (Physics, double major), HYU
woojh at

Seonghwan Kim (김성환)
Research interests: Algorithms and Machine learning for elucidating reaction network
2019 Sept. - Ph.D. student in Chemistry, KAIST
2013 - 2019 B.S. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (Mathematics, double major), KAIST
dmdtka00 at

Yoonsoo Jung (정윤수)
Research interests:
2019 - Research associate, KAIST
2013 - 2019 Researcher, LG Chem.
2011 - 2013 M.Sc. in Material Science & Engineering, Seoul National Univ. (advisor : Prof. Cheol Seong Hwang)
2005 - 2011 B.S. in Material Science & Engineering, Seoul National Univ.
jysoo at

Wonho Zhung (정원호)
Research Interests : Predicting drug-target interaction using deep learning
2020 Sept. - Ph.D. student in Chemistry, KAIST
2016 - 2020 Aug. B.S. in Chemistry(Biology, double major), KAIST

Hyong Woo Kim (김형우)
Research Interests : Reaction prediction method with AI
2020 Sept. - Ph.D. student in Chemistry, KAIST
2016 - 2020 Aug. B.S. in Chemistry(Physics, minor), KAIST

Seokhyun Moon (문석현)
Research Interests : Drug discovery with AI
2020 Sept. - Ph.D. student in Chemistry, KAIST
2017 - 2020 Aug. B.S. in Chemistry (Computer Science, minor), KAIST

Jaechang Lim (임재창)
Present Co-founder, Scientist, HITs Incorporation
2020 Mar.- 2020 July Postdoc, Departement of Chemistry, Chemistry, KAIST
2019 Jan. - 2019 Feb. Visiting researcher, Kakao Brain
2016 Nov. - 2017 Apr. Visiting student, Supercomputing Service Center, KISTI
2015 - 2020 Feb. Ph.D. student in Chemistry, KAIST
2012 - 2015 B.S. Chemistry, KAIST
ljchang94 at

Seongok Ryu (류성옥)
Research interests: Development of algorithms for geometry optimization of molecules, Machine learning
Present Research Scientist, AITRICS
2014 - 2020 Ph.D. in Chemistry, KAIST
2009 - 2014 B.S. Chemistry (Physics, double major), KAIST
seongokryu at

Jeongeun Park (박정은)
Research interests: Drug discovery using deep learning
2019-2020 Ph.D student in Chemistry, KAIST
2012-2016 Doctor of Pharmacy, Seoul National University
2009-2011 Undergraduate in Chemistry, KAIST (2-year completion)
b004628 at

Seung Hwan Hong (홍승환)
Research interests: Machine learning, Bioinformatics, Protein-ligand binding affinity
Present Research Scientist, AItrics
2019 - 2020 Senior Researcher, Arontier
2018 - 2019 Postdoc, Chemistry, KAIST
2014 - 2017 Postdoc, Computational Sciences, Korea Institute for Advanced Study (advisor: Prof. Jooyoung Lee)
2009 - 2014 Ph.D. Physics, SungKyunKwan University (advisor: Prof. Han-Yong Choi)
2007 - 2009 M.S. Physics, SungKyunKwan University (advisor: Prof. Han-Yong Choi)
2003 - 2007 B.S. Physics, SungKyunKwan University
shhong0 at

Kyung Yup Baek (백경엽)
Research interests: Theoretical investigation on CO2 conversion for highly valuable chemical feedstocks, Reaction dynamics of hydrated biomolecules using MM/QM calculations
Present Postdoc, Chemistry, Chung-Ang Univ. (advisor: Prof. Hye Ran Kho)
2015 - 2019 Postdoc, Chemistry, KAIST
2014 - 2015 Postdoc, Chemistry, Sungkyunkwan Univ. (advisor: Prof. Jin Young Lee)
2004 - 2014 Ph.D. Chemistry, Seoul National Univ. (advisor: Prof. Seong Keun Kim)
2006 - 2010 Visiting Researcher, National Taiwan Univ.
(advisor: Prof. S. H. Lin and Prof. Y. Fujimura)
2000 - 2002 M.Sc. Chemistry, Seoul National Univ. (advisor: Prof. Do Yeung Yoon)
1993 - 1999 B.S. Chemistry, Korea Univ.
drchem at

Yeonjoon Kim (김연준)
Research interests: Automated prediction of reaction paths, Cheminformatics, Chemical graph theory
Present Postdoc, National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL), CO, US
2018 Feb. - 2018 Jun. Postdoc, KAIST
2012 Feb. - 2018 Feb. Ph.D. Chemistry, KAIST (advisor: Prof. Woo Youn Kim)
2008 Feb. - 2012 Feb. B.S. Chemistry, KAIST

Zeehyo Kim (김지효)
Present M.Sc. student, GSCT, KAIST (Motion computing laboratory)
2016 Mar. - 2018 Feb. M.Sc. Chemistry, KAIST (advisor: Prof. Woo Youn Kim)
2011 - 2016 B.S. Computer (Chemistry, double major), Korea Univ.
zeehyo at
Sunghwan Choi (최성환)
Present Senior Researcher, Supercomputing Service Center, KISTI
2012 Feb. - 2017 Aug. Ph.D. Chemistry, KAIST (advisor: Prof. Woo Youn Kim)
2016 Jun.- 2016 Aug. Visiting student, MANA, NIMS (advisor: Dr. T. Miyajaki)
2015 Apr. - 2016 Mar. Visiting student, Supercomputing Service Center, KISTI
2009 - 2012 B.S. Chemistry, KAIST
sunghwan.choi at, Google Scholar :

Kwangwoo Hong (홍광우)
Present IPS Patent Corporation
2011 - 2016 Ph.D. Chemistry, KAIST (advisor: Prof. Woo Youn Kim)
2007 - 2011 B.S. Chemistry, KAIST
kwangwoo at

Seihwan Ahn (안세환)
Present Samsung display
2015 - 2019 Ph.D. student at Mookie Baik's group, Department of Chemistry, KAIST
2012 - 2015 Ph.D. student, Department of Chemistry, KAIST
2006 - 2012 B.S. Chemistry, KNU
seihwanahn at