김우연 교수님의 젊은물리화학자상 수상을 축하드립니다!
온라인으로 진행된 126회 대한화학회에서 김우연 교수님께서 젊은물리화학자상을 수상하셨습니다. 축하드립니다 교수님!

Sungwoo Kang successfully completed his Ph.D. defense.
Sungwoo successfully finished his Ph.D. defense as the 7th Ph.D. from our group. His thesis title is 'Accurate and efficient electronic...

Lab seminar celebrating two Ph.D graduates
2020년 봄학기에 박사 졸업을 하는 황상연 (Sang-Yeon Hwang), 임재창 (Jaechang Lim) 의 졸업 기념 특별 세미나가 2월 10일 궁동 어느 카페에서 진행되었습니다. 세미나는 두 졸업생의 발표와 Q&A를 중심으로...

Jaechang & Sang-Yeon's paper just appeared in Chemical Science!
This work has been done together with two undergraduate students, Seokhyun (Chemistry) and Seungsu (Comput. Sci.).

Student Talks in ICMS 2019
Students in the group are presenting their recent works in International Conference of Molecular Simulations 2019 held at Jeju Island.

Seongok's paper has been published in Chem. Sci.
Seongok's Bayesian GCN paper has been published in Chem. Sci. Congratulations~!! Title : Bayesian graph convolutional network for...

Sang-Yeon receives an award in ISTCP !!
Sang-Yeon Hwang presented a poster on "Scaffold-Based Molecular Design Using a Graph Generative Model" at the 10th Triennial Congress of...
KAIST 자연과학연구소 전문연구요원 모집 공고
KAIST 자연과학연구소 전문연구요원 모집 공고 KAIST 자연과학연구소 전문연구요원 TO를 통해 저희 연구실(http://aceteamkaist.wixsite.com/home)에서 함께 연구하실 분을 병역특례 전문연구요원으로 채용하고자 합니다....

Year End Lab Workshop
The year end lab workshop was held in Jeonju. In the workshop, we looked back what we did in this year and looked ahead what we are going...

Selected as a 'spotlight talk' at NIPS2018 workshop
Our new paper 'Uncertainty quantification of molecular property prediction using Bayesian neural network models' was accepted at the...